How works of

by lutvi3 , at 8:54 PM , has 0 comments
How works of ? the work of this business is easy, you only need to make a review of the product electronic products, sports, movies and other. You are not in the pay if you are not make a review, but you will pay if the other people who have read and give rating on your review. Addition, you can also make money with how to read and give a review rating of others member of Ciao. Commission ranges between $ 0.01-$ 0.03 each time you review the rating by another person and you give a review to other people.
And how to get a lot of money?After you make a lot of reviews you should add a lot of friends in ciao than review and rate your friends and send a massage that you've rate and review them then ask them to make ea rate to u'r review, reciprocal, you rate them they would rate you because here all of one goal, making the money. example a message like this "I have read and rated your review, Please look and rate my review as well .. Thanks ".:D

So essentially we can find many ways to make money with a lot of review and many people will be rating our review and we also often read reviews and give ratings to other member of ciao.

If we become a member on ciao we can get the money,how?:
1. we can get $ 0.01-$ 0.03 for every read review ohter people.
2.we can get $ 0.01-$ 0.03 for each of us give rating for review
3. we can get $ 0.01-$ 0.03 each other people read our review or rating
4.we can get $ 1 for one refferal (most profitable)

If you want tobe my refferal, i will send other important trick and software content, why i dont posting in here?, coz with my other important tricks just need approximately 5 minute to make 1 review...:D
to join clik here

How works of - written by lutvi3 , published at 8:54 PM, categorized as , get dollar for free , review . And has 0 comments
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